Thursday, April 28, 2011

ABC Reported Deadly Tornadoes: 210 Killed Across South, Including 131 in Alabama

Horrible storms came through Alabama and Georgia, and apparently 4 other states causing tons of damage and many lives lost.  Prayers going out to everyone who lost anyone or had any damage.

Last night, my husband worked; and they keep taking the employees to the storm area. So,  I  decided my son and I would be safer in the hall.  Thank goodness all the tornados and bad thunderstorms missed us.
   Here is a photo taken today outside my back door.

Have a HAPPY day! 


  1. Yes, prayers are being said for all those affected with yesterdays horrible storms.

    So Thankful that you are safe.


  2. It sounds truly awful Kim, I never realised this was happening over the water. Thank goodness you are all safe. Annette x

  3. Happy you are safe! Prayers for those less fortunate:( HUGS!

  4. oh hun this is just awful so glad you are safe hun please take care of yourself and your family hugs cheryl xxxx

  5. Thinking of everyone... such a hard time...

  6. So very glad you are safe! The news reports we're getting here in Canada are showing some horrible devastation...I'm so sorry for those people affected.


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