Saturday, December 6, 2014

The cats will play with the Christmas Tree....

I made this little journal for Christmas.  All these images are from;  Altered Pages , a must see.
I love all the vintage images and with cats too!! Whoo hoo!

I am new to videos on you tube but love to have you subscribe to my channel, starting soon I will be uploading more videos.  Its fun, exciting and scary all at the same time.  I have always been shy speaking in front of people which is why I havent used you tube however I decided I can do it.

Hope you have a great day!
Wish me luck

Kim B

linking to :  
Live & Love Crafts With Love challenge 


  1. I love cats too! Sweet journal page!

  2. Very cute journal, Kim--you should have fun filling it! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  3. cute. I watched a video the other week with cats wrecking Christmas trees, so funny! Thanks for sharing with us at LLC & Happy Holidays!

    Hugz, Sandy
    Owner & Operator @Live & Love Crafts


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